Families Exist to Glorify God

FBC Ironton believes that families exist to glorify God as the most fundamental unit of society. From the very beginning God made male and female to be joined together in marriage, to have children and to populate the earth (Genesis 1-2). Within the family unit God has created an authority structure where men are to be the heads of their households (Ephesians 5:22-23). As husbands and fathers, men are to love, provide, and protect their family. Fathers bear the primary responsibility to lead the family (Ephesians 5Titus 2). Along with fathers, mothers are to teach their children the truths of Scripture and raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Equipping Families

The task of shepherding a family is not an easy one in our modern culture, and yet, this task is more urgent than ever. Our desire a FBC Ironton is to come alongside families and help equip them for the task of leading and discipling their children. While we do believe that children’s ministry and Sunday school is an important part of shaping a child’s worldview, these ministries should serve as supplements to the regular instruction children receive in the home. Therefore, we want to help equip parents for the task of leading family discipleship and worship in their own households.