Sunday School
Please contact us to find out more about the right class for you!
Our Sunday school hour meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings and offers small group settings with in-depth Bible studies, prayer, and fellowship.
We offer Sunday school classes for all ages. So, whatever your age, we have a place for you!
ADULT BIBLE STUDY (explore the bible Curriculum)
Three senior adult classes (one co-ed and two gender specific) study a different book of the bible every quarter using curriculum provided by LifeWay Christian Resources.
EQUIP CLASS (Answers in Genesis Curriculum)
This class is multi-generational (18+) is meant to equip parents and grandparents in the foundational truths of God’s Word and history. This is also the same age specific material our students and children learn from each week. Our hope is to provide parents and grandparents with the opportunity to be able to discuss with their children and grandchildren what they learned each week in Sunday School as we believe discipleship is achieved best within the family unit.
Students (6th - 12th) (Answers in Genesis Curriculum)
We offer a co-ed classes with age specific material for students grades 6-12.
For Children (Answers in Genesis Curriculum)
We offer co-ed classes for all preschool and elementary school aged children.